Atal Incubation Centre - Pondicherry Engineering College Foundation (AIC-PECF) is fully supported and funded by Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), Niti Aayog, Government of India. AIC-PECF was initiated to provide a platform to assist and enable young entrepreneurs to initiate startups for the commercial exploitation of technologies developed by them. AIC-PECF also enables the budding entrepreneurs to showcase and test their abilities to run a start up business in the areas of Electronics design and Manufacturing (EDM), Internet of Things(IoT) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The incubation centre provides a wide range of resources that enables it to: Empower innovators to pursue their entrepreneurial golas that improve people’s lives, generate employment and drive the economy - Connect start-ups with mentor community for guidance and support - Provide technology support and fab lab facilities for innovators to pursue their own ideas and converting it into a successful venture - Support, simplify and clarify intellectual property transfer processes for innovators and the broader community -Develop and maintain a standard pre-incubation process so that start-ups can leverage upon the entrepreneurial process.

Entrepreneurship and innovation are critical for the growth of any economy, in an increasingly competitive world. They become even more critical for India as its demographic dividend can only be realized with rapid creation of employment and income generation opportunities. Global experience shows that, apart from creating wealth and boosting the economy, new businesses also create disproportionately more jobs than established ones. AIC-PECF actively creates an environment for the young innovators to test their business ideas with minimal risks.
The Chief Executive Officer,
Atal Incubation Centre-PEC Foundation.
Email : [email protected]
Web : www.aicpecf.org
Phone : +91-413-2960380
Mobile : +91-8903467223
The Chief Executive Officer,
Atal Incubation Centre-PEC Foundation.
Email : [email protected]
Web : www.aicpecf.org
Phone : +91-413-2960380
Mobile : +91-8903467223
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